New members...

Recently Alvin had been bringing me to a lot of pet shops and in the end he bought two lil cuties to add to our 2 person world. Tho 1 of them, Archie, died after a week or so, not knowing what was the cause, he passed away right after paying a visit to the vet. Leaving Ge Ge alone, we decided to get another partner for her. Altho much tinier, Chietoo seemed to get along with Ge Ge a lot better than before. It was a perfect match.

GeGe just coming out of her hiding spot (bath house)
Name: GeGe
Character: Scared of humans, dashes so fast u cant catch her=.=
Fav spot: In the tube from humans (but we sealed it off now XD)
Hobby: Showing off by running the wheel when we look at her

Chietoo falling asleep in his new toy XD
Half his leg is dangling out on the other end

Name: Chietoo
Character: No problem with human contact, loves the snacks we give, bonds well with GeGe
Fav spot: Under the wheel or in the bath house.
Hobby: Falling asleep everywhere n everytime=.=

Currently they are either staying at Beta under Alvin's care but sometimes they come over to stay a few nights with me^^ Anyway, Archie, may u R.I.P. Love u.

PS : Thx bee~ for getting me them^^

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