A Dream Of A Confused Mind

Yawn!... It's already afternoon n I'm still cuddled up in bed. Time passed by 4 dono how long adi since I was awake. I remembered, I was kinda cryin 2 sleep last nite.

It was Yesterday all da while dat I was thinkin about. He come over, Andrew that is. We chatted, hugged n a lil kissin was added in. It was fun n we were happy^^ I hav 2 say that I kinda had feelings 4 Him n was certain that he had 2...

No sooner after he went back home n came on9 that our friendship had turned a nightmare. Situations between us became gloomy. No doubt that I still had feelins 4 my ex, but I also had feelings 4 Drew. He admitted he likes me, but he had 2 call it quits. Reason? He can hav a non virgin as a gd fren, but not a gf... Ok, I am not a virgin anymore. But wat's wrong with that? At least I oni did it with somebody that I thought I was willing 2 hav a family with. So wats da crime in that? I loved Him. And cz of that I couldn even hav another relationship?

He asked 4 us 2 remain frenz, but I said i cant. I prefer 2 call it Full Time quits if u really wana do this.. N we did tat. N I actually ended in tears... Wonder y...

Well woke up now n da 1st thing I thougth was... AH! new day, new me. Guess I wasn that sad after Him, but more on my ex. Guess I cried last nite cz I was 2 tired... So I told myself, It was all a dream^^ A very long long sweet dream^^ I yeah, I actually did feel a lot better after tellin myself that.

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