Graduation Day

7th November 2010 (Sunday)

7th November 2010, the day that marks the end of college for The One Academy's batch 75 & 78 students, including me. 3 whole years of giving their all in any challenge thrown at them, these students have finally completed their learning journey and are now graduates, and are now ready to face the challenges outside.

This remarkable ceremony was held at Sunway's famous hotel Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, at one of the many stunning ballrooms they have, The Grand Ballroom. Walking in through their large doors, a red carpet is rolled all the way to the other far end of the ballroom, which is the grand stage. Both sides of the carpets are the many round tables for the upcoming dinner after the ceremony. Outside, a registration booth is set, as well as a photography station is erected for family photos & portraits.

The session starts at 2pm as fresh graduates alongside their close family members, start to crowd the hall outside the ballroom, taking pictures and chit chatting. By 4.30pm, the graduates were lined up according to major, represented by their color, red for Interior Design, Yellow for Illustration, Purple for Animation, light blue for Advertising and dark blue for Multimedia.

As the ceremony starts, the fresh graduates marched into the ballroom on the red carpet to be seated near the stage and was then called by name to be presented with the graduation scroll. Thus, marking the end of being a student.

Vincent shooting as well with his DSLR
Hope to see from photos from his cam^^

Graduates at the Alumni Card counter

Vincent at the registering counter

Teddys for parents & friends to buy for graduates

The Photo booth along with the robes

Where we will line up later on

Professional photographers around taking memorable
candid shots to be sold to graduates later on

Wan Wan getting dressed in a robe

Eunice Kok

Wan Wan & Eunice Kok

The most formal guy in the hall

My graduating Darling, Vincent

Eunice Kok & I

Wan Wan & I

Shereendar & I

Shereendar & Asha

Shaun & Amir,
dono what they saw O.o

Samson & I

Asha & I

Me, Lei Yee & Shereendar

Shereendar, Vincent & I

Joyce & I

Vincent & Joyce

The interiors
I only know Wan Wan & Keng Chun though @.@

Our batch's most beautiful
Kellie Ong & I
She's taken by the way

Illustation's Nabilah

The tallest, Zakhren & Vincent

The stars of the batch
Iffah & Aurelia~

Oh so Yellow~
Kin Kiat & I
Wished I had those flowers too ><
Mom & Dad, who arrived just on time before the ceremony ><

SPANNAR!!! whom I always have spent the college days with...
Thx guys^^
From left, Wen San, Shaun Yow, Amir, Calvin Chong & Vincent

My Group - Bus Squeeze
From left, Me, Shereendar, Syamimi, Marianne Tan & Emmalynn Yam

Shereendar acting cute...

And when it's my turn,
she turns to poke me==

Shirin & me

The chandeliers in the ballroom

In walks the graduates...

Receiving the scroll...

me on stage

The OH-SO-CRAMP group photo ><
Shereendar & I with scrolls in hand

Another final family photo in the ballroom

And at 10pm, the ceremony along with dinner, comes to an end.
Here I wish all graduates all the best in the new life ahead, and to strive through every challenge successfully.

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