Wat CNY is DIs?!

It's finally CNY n I'm back in my hometown. Every1 is havin fun with chattin, gambling n computer gaming while I, a DG student in TOA in JUZ year 2, am doin blasted assignments given from college in one corner of da whole damned bangalow >.<
Not 2 say I don enjoy them but seriously... Where da CNY mood if I hav 2 do assignments tht are piled up like Mt. Everest??? Ppl get frostbite n die from climbing tht mountain; I can starve n die doin these assignments!
Anyway, 2 all my darlin frenz in TOA^^ I hav done my spaceship n da character line drawin^^ Haha... Not 2 brag but ya, I still hav tons 2 do anyway.. >.<
Let's all GANBATEH^^ Especially U Nisa!!!

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